Today I woke up surrounded by mountains with a dusting of snow on the peaks! Colorado Springs is a welcome last stop on my travels. I am tired of seeing concrete and cars, mile after mile of strip malls and close-ups of seat backs leaning towards me. I've been longing to go for a good walk - by the sea, across farmers' fields, in the hills...anywhere would do! So seeing the mountains is at least a start, and on a glorious sunny day that is very warm already at 10:30am.
This will be very short as a lovely older couple are coming to pick me up and welcome me into their home. I will meet with some friends of IFES tonight with them, and visit InterVarsity's Bear Trap Ranch this afternoon. Located at an elevation of 9,100 feet, last week it looked like this picture and I wouldn't have been able to go there:

This week, temperatures have become more like summer, so I will be able to visit the camp after all.
It's been a great trip. I've got to know some wonderful people, learned a lot about the people and organizations that support the charity I work for, and got to know the 'head honcho' in IFES a lot better. But I'm ready to come home - for all its flaws, the UK is where I want to live, and I miss the people, the 'backward' way of doing some things, the lack of glitz and shine, the ordinariness of life there. It will be good to be home.